#desicleaneating - Oil Free Stir Fried Chicken With Brown Rice
With my vacation only 2 months away, it's time to get in shape (as much as one can in two months time lol). Every Monday now, Anam Fatima will be contributing to my blog with a super healthy recipe, which is ideal for desi's since all the ingredients are easily available here! Let's get the ball rolling with the very first in the #desicleaneating series!
Half boneless chicken
Half zucchini
3 sticks green onions
1cup sweet corns
4 cloves garlic
1/4 cup soya sauce
1/8 cup Worcestershire sauce
1tablespoon cornflour
salt n pepper to taste
Cut chicken into stripes. Marinate with sauces, garlic and cornflour. Keep aside till you cut zucchini. Stir fry chicken in nonstick pan without a drop of oil. Add green onions and zucchini and corn at the end. Serve with brown rice. Enjoy!
Let me know if you try this recipe! Happy clean eating ladies!