The Body Shop Perfumes - From Day To Night
I'm big on perfumes, yet I have never ever finished a bottle (unless it was stolen - read borrowed - by my mother and she finished it for me haha) - Recently I got to try out a few The Body Shop perfumes, and I really enjoyed using them! I had a few of my own as well so I decided to choose the top three perfumes that would take you from day to night easily.
Let's start with the lightest scent of the three and then move on to the ones more suitable for the evenings. The lightest scent in terms of it not being over powering and my personal favorite out of the bunch is White Musk Libertine - I use it almost everyday as soon as I wake up and automatically feel refreshed. The scent is floral and fresh combined together- so not too over overwhelmingly sweet!
The next on, Forbidden Flower* is much lighter than what I had expected when I read the name and looked at the bottle, I thought it would've been much smokie-r and denser but it's not, meaning you can even wear this during the day time. In my opinion, this is perfect to spritz on the go if you're rushing from school/office to meet up with friends.
Now coming on to the Red Musk*. There was alot of hype surrounding this a while back given how it's the first women's perfume in the world that has no floral undertones and mainly consists of Musk and Tobacco. Personally I'm not the biggest fan of this perfume since this is just way too strong for my liking but my mother does like it alot - so if you're a fan of heavy musky scents then this is for you, other wise I'd say, give this one a miss.
What is your favorite Body Shop scent? Let me know in the comments below x